Isogeny-based cryptography school
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the weekly setup of the school and can I attend from my timezone?
A: Most of the interaction will be asynchronous: there will be lecture notes and exercises for each topic and for some
topics the lecturers have also offered to record a video lecture. There will also be study sessions where you can talk
to fellow students on Zoom, and some live Q+A sessions with the lecturers and/or teaching assistants. There will be
about 3 hours of study session per day, spread throughout each 24-hour period so that at least one will be in your
timezone, and about 6 hours of Q+A per week, again spread over each 24-hour period.
Q: How many hours a week do I need to spend on the school?
A: It is up to you how much time you spend on the asynchronous material, but to look at everything thoroughly should
cost you about 2 full days per week.
Q: Will the live sessions be recorded?
A: With the permission of the people in the call, the Q+A sessions can be recorded.
Q: I can't attend every week, is that a problem?
A: Not at all, in fact we encourage people to focus on the weeks for which the topics are most interesting for them.
Q: Will the material be available afterwards?
A: Yes all of the material will be maintained and freely available on the school website long-term for people to look back at.
Q: Will I get a certificate?
A: Certificates are available on request.
Q: Will you set any exams?
A: We will not set any exams, but there will be exercise sheets for each topic.
Q: Is this school fully online?
A: Yes the school is fully online, there is no in-person element. We may also hold a hybrid workshop in December in
Bristol, UK, depending on the circumstances.